physical fitness

My Daily Workout…Part 2

Exercise RoutineIn Part 1 I wrote about the music I use for my workout and gave some general information about my routine.  Now I’d like to go into a little more detail about it.

Living Room Workout  I like to exercise in my living room where I can control the elements…so I’m usually  in some comfortable garb.  On my wall are some Creative Visualization pictures that I look at during my workout…I’m a strong believer in Creative Visualization as a motivation tool.    (You should see my office wall!) It’s a combo of some magazine photos showing some elegant and sophisticated women dressed in beautiful outfits.  I aspire to have their shape (I’m almost there!) and wear their clothes (I’ll make them myself) so they motivate me to stay with it.  The other picture is the cover of Fitness magazine.  The gorgeous male blond hunk doing a pushup keeps me very motivated to work on my fitness!

   I posted in Part 1 that I haven’t been doing my stretches on the carpet because of the discomfort factor…I’m happy to report that I got my exercise mat out of hiding and tried it…turns out it wasn’t half bad…the plastic is a little sticky and the height makes it a little awkward to stretch out comfortably (2″ high), but at least I can do them…and the plastic is cool…Exercise Mat  unlike the prickly carpet.   

I’d like to share some personal experiences and some techniques I use during my workouts.  Sometimes I’m not awake at the start so my eyes are closed as I listen to the music and begin to warm up with some gentle movements.  It’s all intuitive for me…never the same twice…I just let it flow…I learn how I’m feeling by the way I move…slow and lethargic?  Slow to more energized?  Ready to rock?

Exercise to Music  As I wake up I find myself doing more energetic moves.  If I really get energized I’ll add free weights and Taebo to my workout during the cardio phase.

I use 4 lbs weights and work a variety of muscle groups as I feel it.  I learned some techniques from videos, others from TV shows, and others from people I met at the gym…since I’m a tennis player I instinctively work those muscles that will help me with my game.  I used to get strange looks from people at the gym who had never seen my moves before (just curious I think).  I get creative letting my imagination take me to new places.  I like to work on body memory for tennis so much of what I do is guided by that…serving a ball while holding a weight, or moving through a backhand holding a weight.  These are just some of the things I do to improve my technique and strength.

  My aerobic workout is a combination of techniques learned in aerobic classes, cardio and Taebo videos, and dance training, as well as my tennis lessons over the years.  I’ve learned something from each and I’m grateful for that…even the videos that bored me and got trashed taught me something of value.

*A note about videos…most of them disappointed me…maybe it was the warmup I didn’t like or the routines.  I tried a few of Billy Blanks’ Taebo tapes but found that his warmup was too fast and he didn’t explain moves well.  I’ve even tried online videos but they soon bored me and I went back to my own workouts.

Clock  I set my time goal for 30 minutes…sometimes I make it…other times I don’t…that’s ok…my body tells me what is right for me each time.

Warmup  I start off with steps side to side letting the music guide me intuitively.  I add some swagger while stepping forward and back as the music moves me.  Then I’ll add some arm movements and maybe some twisting as I move.  I love Latino dancing so I often find myself moving to some Latin rhythm with Latin moves.

Cardio:  Once I’m warmed up I add more vigorous steps with some kicks and some more intense arm movements.  If I’m really feeling good I’ll do some Taebo kicks and boxing moves. 

I’ll do 3 or 4 fast songs for intense cardio…then use a slower one to do some leg work…I do several slow plies in wide stance to condition my thighs, hips and butt.  Sometimes I widen the stance even more to get a deeper stretch and conditioning while working my feet and toes.  Then I go back to some more fast cardio before finishing up.

Identify Helpful Hint  I alternate days with free weights because it takes 24 hours for muscles to repair themselves.  On free weight days I’ll do the classic moves with 8 count reps repeating once or twice depending on how I feel.  I don’t push past discomfort…I use it as a guide for how far I can go with each move and I never work a muscle when I feel pain.  That’s a signal that I’ve reached a limit.

Cooldown:  My cooldown is a combination of slow arm stretches on each side and slower movement.  Then I’m ready to stretch. 

*Note…never stretch when your muscles are cold…that’s how you cause injuries.  Muscles need to warm up and get the oxygen flowing to them first.

Stretching   Stretching:  I like to begin with classic calf and Achilles stretches…forward and back with flexed foot.  Next are the classic thigh stretches…straight back, across the back of the body, and my favorite (a ballet move) lifting the thigh and stretching behind me (I hope to create a visual of my workout at some point.)  Then I move into some easy backbends and side stretches.  Much of what I do is ballet floor barre but they’re simple to learn.  I like to work my feet in each ballet position while working the front of the foot and the toes.  Then I move to the floor (carpet).

Exercise Mat  Floor:  Here I stretch out from head to toe with arms overhead usually 3 times holding for count of 5.  Then I move into some stomach crunches and side stretches followed by forward stretches with legs to the side and some split stretches to work the thighs and hip areas.  Next is some yoga with the alternating concave and convex spine stretching (cat poses)…then some downward dog and maybe some other yoga moves or some pushups.

Each day is different because my needs are different and my energy level is different.  I just listen to my body and do what it tells me. 

Identify Helpful Hint  My advice:   Have fun with your workouts…enjoy the music you choose.  Listen to your body and be sensitive to its needs.  Sometimes all we can do on a given day is baby steps.  That’s part of the process.  Remember that it’s a spiritual and mental experience as well as a physical workout. 

Online Journal   Final note:  I keep an Excel journal that includes a sheet called Fitness and another called Tennis.  I record experiences worth noting, and any thoughts or feelings that come up during workouts.  It’s a way for me to track my progress.






Posted by DSaull in Physical Fitness
My Daily Workout…Part 1

My Daily Workout…Part 1

I like to do my daily exercise routine in the morning prior to working in my office.  It motivates me mentally and gets the oxygen flowing through my body, especially to my brain…waking me up so I can think.

I’ve been using these first 2 CD’s for 5+ years.  I found them at a yard sale and they’ve been my rock ever since.  

   CD #1…Alpheus…” Quality Time” by Studio One… Reggae music recorded in Kingston, Jamaica

I start with the first song called ”Nothing Can Stop You” .  Its words help me to block out negativity from my thoughts and feelings; and approach my day with a sense of renewal and desire to create something wonderful.

Don’t worry ‘cause it’s there for you
No matter what dem say or do
Believe that it’s there for you
Nothing can stop you no

Verse 1
You’re gonna reach that goal you want
‘Cause you learned all the golden rules
No one can discourage you
Gwaan let screwface screw

Verse 2
You’ll get your house and land and a car
And put your kids through school so they go far
Don’t worry about a thing, just believe inna yourself

Verse 3
‘Cause we’re too strong for the bad minded
Look straight ahead and don’t be blinded
Ah, just persevere you’ll make it through,
You’ll make it through

Verse 4
No one is perfect, we’re only human
We all fall short along the way
Fall down, get up, brush yourself and keep on moving
Yes, just keep on moving.

Identify Helpful Hint  When I have some special project or work to do other than my website, I‘ll play “Nothing Can Stop You” for motivation and just dance to it, and let the words flow over me.

The other song I play is  “Let’s Take the Vows”because I like the words and the melody.  It gives me a good feeling to hear them.  It helps me feel the love. 

Verse 1
I feel I was made for you
My love is genuine it’s true
Let’s walk hand in hand and show the world 
We’re worth a million grand
It’s all about our love
You’re made for me only me
My baby we’re meant to be
We’re gonna go all the way.

It’s you for me and me for you
It’s you for me and me for you

There’s another verse which I’l let you discover on your own.  

This CD is available at Amazon for a very reasonable price…you can also check it out here:

   CD #2…Yankee Dreams by Frank Ferrel, “Wicked Good Fiddling from New England”

This is all instrumental music … Irish tunes … wonderful for reaching that next level.  Some are faster than others but all are great.  I move to the first 4 or 5 tunes to get me ready to really crank it up.

It’s available at Amazon and Ebay…very reasonable…no YouTube link for this one…sorry…but I do have an image.    

CD #4…Clint Black’s “All American Country” gets my adrenalin pumping.  I play the first 3 songs:

1..“When My Ship Comes In”
2..“Nothin’ But the Tailights”
3..“A Better Man”…all fast tempos

Then I scroll through for a few other fast ones like “Money or Love”  (great one!)

Cooldown CD
“Intimate Piano” by Canadian Sunset

All easy going popular instrumentals like “Love is a Many Splendored Thing” by Gordon Langford and his orchestra, and “Rhapsody in Blue” by Henry Mancini.  I love the calming effect it has on me…perfect for this section … my stretching.

   Since this is summer in Tucson and the temps are over 100 degrees everyday, my stretching has been limited to standup work…not feeling like being on the carpet. 

Identify Helpful Hint I’ve learned that it’s ok to do less in these hot summer months.  Going with the flow is part of nature.  It’s frustrating at times because I want to do my regular routines but acceptance is also a part of life.

Next time I’ll share more about my exercise routine.  ‘Til we meet again!








Posted by DSaull in Physical Fitness
Tennis Ball Fun!

Tennis Ball Fun!

tennisAfter a month of 100+ temps here in the Old Pueblo which zapped my strength and desire to hit a tennis ball, I finally got out this morning and had some tennis fun!  

After sleeping away most of my Saturday I awoke to some cool and cloudy weather which motivated me to take advantage of this brief respite from the desert heat.

I was reunited with my favorite “tennis wall” down the street from my home and enjoyed about 30 minutes of practice before the humidity and sun made me stop.

I keep an Excel journal of my tennis activities to monitor my workouts and progress.  This morning it was a joy to write the following:

11am   Finally cool enough to play..slept all day yesterday
and still slept last night…wow…woke up and felt some
energy…hit for about 1/2 hour…maybe less…too hot
and humid to keep going…great reflexes…both sides…
short shots, deep high ones…good slices and dices.
felt great to hit…especially on the left…really had some

When I say “both sides” I mean that I practice hitting “forehand” on the left side as well in order to train those muscles in forehand technique…I think I do it for the challenge and the fun…it’s really coming along!

I love  to dive for shots…low ones, high ones, especially the ones just a few inches from the ground…if I can get underneath it and bring it up to hit a good shot…well!  That’s the fun!  I think it’s a rhythm thing…brings out the dancer in me…

funny tennis



Posted by DSaull in Physical Fitness
Our Physical Side!

Our Physical Side!

This is where I’ll share my Stretching techniques, workout ideas, suggestions for sport activities, and much more!

Posted by DSaull in Physical Fitness